
torsdag 29 januari 2009

Noisejazzmangel for the masses (repost)

Det går inte att förhålla sig neutral till det tyska noisefenomenet Scrawl. Hata eller dyrka. Jag älskar musikterroristerna från Potsdam och den här helt sjuka plattan "Q" från 1994, som Ecocentric gav ut. Gurgelsång till ska, pianojazz, en blåssektion med trumpet och saxofon som framkallar ett enastående oljud. Patareni-cover och Seth Putnam som gästvokalist på ett spår. Askorta låtar. Det blir inte bättre om vi snackar noisejazz. Frågan är: pallar du trycket?

Scrawl "Q"

PS: Det här inlägget postades första gången den 5 oktober 2007.

7 kommentarer:

  1. First congratulations for your blog..even if i cant read it it looks pretty cool and i discovered some cool stuff through it.I would have a question about the VA - Is This What You Want it the one out on a French label tapes in the 80's?.Would be cool to know it.
    Oh i talked about your blog in mine and linked it.
    Well thats all for now.Have a nice evening.

  2. First congratulations for your blog..even if i cant read it it looks pretty cool and i discovered some cool stuff through it.I would have a question about the VA - Is This What You Want it the one out on a French label tapes in the 80's?.Would be cool to know it.
    Oh i talked about your blog in mine and linked it.
    Bye and have a nice evening

  3. First congratulations for your blog..even if i cant read it it looks pretty cool and i discovered some cool stuff through it.I would have a question about the VA - Is This What You Want it the one out on a French label tapes in the 80's?.Would be cool to know it.
    Oh i talked about your blog in mine and linked it.

  4. Cool Blog.I talked about it in mine and linked it.Bye

  5. Hi! And thanx! There will be more old swedish stuff in the future, so just drop by.

    I remember that french label, they did release a couple of splendid tapes. But it was actually me who released this "Is this what you want", back in 1986.

    All the best, and don't forget to tell me the adress to your blog. Bye.

  6. Hi Michael.Sorry for posting several times the same post.Thought it did not worked out.The tapes label was mine.Hehe And my blog(in the same spirit than i did in the past) is :
    See you later.

  7. Ni som gillar scrawl borde verkligen kolla upp naked city, kanske plattan torture garden.
